
Showing posts from March, 2018

5 Reasons Why Should You Take a Nile River Cruise

Dear Traveler, If you have any remote interest in ancient history and culture a trip to Egypt will transform the way you see life. It has transformed my way of seeing it... When you arrive in the country and see the dusty roads, the traffic, and poverty, It is hard to imagine that this land was home to an advanced and thriving civilization, dating back to more than four millennials. Nevertheless, the evidence for it still exists and your first encounter with it will be seeing the Pyramids at Giza. My friend and I spent two weeks in Egypt, and one of the best experiences we had was taking a river cruise from Aswan and Luxor. Here are few reasons to consider why to take a river cruise on the Nile:                                                                                 Royal Princess River Cruise Convenience Nile River was perceived by the Ancient Egyptians as the main source of food and life. Naturally, the majority of Ancient Egyptian Temples (such as Luxor & Karnak, Phila

Helpful Tips For Traveling To Egypt

Dear Traveler,  The land of the pharaohs is a destination that has fascinated people since antiquity. Egypt is the " Gift of the Nile " that the Greek historian Herodotus described when he visited in the 5th Century BC.  There are not enough words to describe the magnitude and ingenuity of Ancient Egyptian Engineering and the stunning colorful religious scenes carved in the temples and tombs -- you have to see it for yourself. As a Muslim country, the locals are conservative, but you will soon find that they are also genuine and helpful. The US dollar and the Euro are strong and go a long way. For seamless travel, here are few tips to consider:                                                                     Our guide Youssef was from Aswan Hire a local guide and driver for your entire stay While visiting Egypt, reserving a local guide and a driver is a must! In my humble opinion, unless you vacation only at the Red Sea Resorts, this is not a destination that can be sel